Espace Jean-Jacques VERNAZZA
17 Avenue André ROUSSIN
1. These general terms and conditions apply to any contract for the rental of lifting equipment with operator concluded between the LESSOR and the LESSEE, who acknowledges having read and accepted them without any reservation.
2. The parties agree that any other document issued by the LESSEE, including its general terms of purchase, shall never be binding on the LESSOR.
3. The LESSOR reserves the right to supplement these general rental conditions with specific terms which shall prevail in case of contradiction.
4. When the LESSEE is not the user of the rented equipment, it undertakes to have the user of the equipment sign these general conditions. The LESSEE and the user are jointly responsible for complying with them, especially regarding the payment of invoices.
Any order placed by the LESSEE constitutes a contract of lease of things within the meaning of Articles 1709 and 1713 et seq. of the Civil Code.
2.1. Prior to placing the order, the LESSEE must communicate the characteristics and minimum performance requirements of the desired equipment, as well as the maximum working configurations to which it will be subjected.
2.2. The LESSEE must place an order for the chosen equipment in writing (letter, fax, email, etc.) to the LESSOR. The absence of a written order releases the LESSOR from any responsibility regarding delays in availability or inadequacy of the equipment.
2.3. Except in cases of force majeure and unless otherwise provided in the specific conditions, no rescheduling (or standby) or cancellation of an order can occur without the written acceptance of the LESSOR. In the absence of such acceptance, a penalty of at least half of the agreed price shall be due, with incurred expenses to be reimbursed in all cases.
2.4. In the event of proven damages resulting from a delay in the completion of the order exclusively attributable to the LESSOR, the LESSEE may apply penalty clauses as a release equal to 0.1% of the net price of the order per calendar day of delay, capped at 5% of the net amount of the order.
3.1. The equipment provided to the LESSEE and accepted by them is deemed to be in good working condition, appearance, maintenance, and possesses the characteristics requested by the LESSEE. The LESSOR undertakes to provide periodic inspection reports upon request by the LESSEE.
3.2. The equipment is made available to the LESSEE at the LESSOR's premises, or at any other location as specified in the order. The provision ends upon the return of the equipment to the LESSOR's premises or any other location specified in the order.
3.3. Le LOUEUR ne peut être tenu responsable des éventuels retards de mise à disposition dus à toute raison indépendante de sa volonté, notamment intempérie, modification de réglementation, retard dans les transports ou les retours des locations précédentes, force majeure, grève, et de leurs conséquences à l’égard du LOCATAIRE et/ou des tiers, et ne sera ainsi redevable d’aucune indemnité à ce titre. Le LOUEUR décline toute responsabilité envers le LOCATAIRE en cas de retard, de modifications, de toutes conséquences financières et/ou opérationnelles dues à des épidémies telles que la COVID-19 ou épidémies virales similaires, des restrictions de quarantaine, des décisions gouvernementales impliquant des restrictions à la mobilité des biens, des services ou des personnes, la disponibilité du matériel ou tout autre événement pouvant avoir un impact sur l’entreprise du LOUEUR ou sa capacité à exécuter le contrat. Toutefois, le LOUEUR s’engage à tout faire pour diminuer au maximum les impacts et les conséquences de ces événements. En ce sens, il devra tenir strictement informé le LOCATAIRE de toutes les difficultés rencontrées et des mesures mises en oeuvre afin d’en minimiser les effets.
3.4. The LESSEE is obligated to sign for the receipt of the equipment upon its provision. In the absence of a signature or mention of any reservation, the equipment is deemed delivered in perfect condition, particularly in terms of functionality.
4.1. The LESSEE undertakes to use the equipment as a 'reasonable person' in accordance with its intended purpose and applicable regulations, and to return it at the end of the rental period in the same condition as received, subject to normal wear and tear associated with its use. The LESSEE agrees to respect the intended use for which the equipment has been rented and not to operate it beyond its capabilities.
4.2. The LESSOR will carry out routine maintenance of the equipment: checking oil levels, water and other fluids, fuel, battery recharging, tire pressure, etc. The LESSEE agrees not to make any modifications, alterations, or transformations to the rented equipment.
4.3. The LESSEE agrees not to sublease or lend the rented equipment without the express written permission of the LESSOR.
4.4. The LESSEE is solely responsible for the use and implementation of its accessories and equipment (such as slings, hooks, pulleys, straps, come-alongs, etc.), as well as the implementation and use of all equipment and/or accessories provided by the LESSOR.
4.5. The LESSEE undertakes to comply with the regulations in force regarding hygiene and safety related to the rental. In particular, the LESSEE is obliged to incorporate specific prevention measures for the equipment into the Prevention Plan (PdP) or the Specific Safety and Health Protection Plan (PPSPS).
4.6. The mere fact that a representative of the LESSOR has conducted a site visit to assist the LESSEE in determining the most suitable equipment for future working conditions shall not engage the liability of the LESSOR, with the LESSEE remaining solely responsible in this regard.
4.7. Le LOCATAIRE déterminera sous sa seule responsabilité l’emplacement où il fera travailler le matériel loué, ainsi que les trajets à travers le chantier pour parvenir au lieu d’intervention puis pour en repartir. Le LOCATAIRE procédera notamment au contrôle préalable des sols et sous-sols (pression, état, résistance, composition) dont il reste le seul responsable.
4.8. The LESSEE will conduct and formalize the adequacy assessment.
4.9. Prior to using the equipment, the LESSEE must take necessary measures to ensure that it is done safely within the installation and operation area of the equipment. This includes particularly the disconnection of electrical lines and the marking of pipelines and elements that may pose a risk.
4.10. The LESSEE must ensure the permanent presence of an operations supervisor from the arrival of the equipment at the place of use until its departure.
4.11. The LESSEE will take all measures necessary to ensure compliance with environmental regulations.
4.12. The LESSEE is prohibited from using the rented equipment for the purpose of lifting persons, a use for which the rented equipment is not intended.
En cas de panne, de dysfonctionnement ou de dégradation du matériel, le LOCATAIRE s’engage à le faire arrêter immédiatement et à prévenir sans délai le LOUEUR, sous peine de déchéance de toute garantie et/ou de couverture d’assurance.
Toute réparation ne pourra être effectuée que par le LOUEUR ou par une personne expressément désignée par lui. Le contrat sera suspendu pendant la durée de la réparation en ce qui concerne le coût de location mais restera en vigueur pour toutes les autres obligations.
Les prix de la location comprennent : le matériel, le carburant, le lubrifiant, l’entretien normal du matériel, le personnel de conduite éventuel et les frais complémentaires liés tels que les frais de gestion.
Ils ne comprennent pas les frais supplémentaires de quelque nature qu’ils soient (notamment, péages, visites de chantier, demande d’autorisation, frais de balisage…) qui restent à la charge du LOCATAIRE.
7.1. The payment deadline is 30 days from the date of issuance of the invoice (L.441-6 of the Commercial Code).
7.2. En cas de non-respect de ce délai de paiement, le LOCATAIRE sera redevable de plein droit d’une indemnité de retard égale au taux d’intérêt appliqué par la Banque Centrale Européenne à son opération de refinancement la plus récente majorée de 10 points de pourcentage et d’un intérêt forfaitaire de 40 € pour frais de recouvrement. Par ailleurs, le LOUEUR se réserve le droit de suspendre toute nouvelle location jusqu’au paiement intégral de sa créance.
7.3. Failure to pay an invoice by the due date will immediately render any other outstanding debt due and payable.
8.1. If, during the rental period and for any reason, the equipment incurs damages requiring repairs, the rental period will be extended by the duration of the equipment's immobilization until complete repair. In this case, the immobilization compensation owed to the LESSOR by the LESSEE will be calculated based on the agreed rental price reduced by thirty percent.
8.2. In case the LESSEE is unable to use the rented equipment due to climatic reasons duly recognized by an official or professional organization, the LESSEE will benefit, from the second day of immobilization, from a thirty percent reduction in the rental price proportionate to the period of equipment immobilization due to adverse weather conditions.
9.1. Responsabilité du LOCATAIRE
9.1.1. À compter de la mise à disposition du matériel et/ou de ses accessoires, leur garde matérielle et juridique est transférée au LOCATAIRE qui en supporte tous les risques.
9.1.2. Pendant toute la durée de la location, le LOCATAIRE est présumé responsable de tous les dommages corporels, matériels ou immatériels, tant à l’égard du LOUEUR que des tiers.
9.1.3. De convention expresse, le personnel de conduite mis à disposition du LOCATAIRE avec le matériel loué est placé sous l’autorité effective du LOCATAIRE qui a la maîtrise complète des opérations et auquel est transféré le lien de subordination. Ce dernier acquiert, dès la mise à disposition du matériel, la qualité de commettant du personnel de conduite.
9.2. Responsabilité du LOUEUR
9.2.1. La responsabilité du LOUEUR ne peut être engagée que pour des dommages résultant d’un vice caché du matériel loué. L’exécution par le personnel de conduite d’instructions ou d’un travail donné par le LOCATAIRE ou son préposé, ne saurait en aucun cas engager la responsabilité du LOUEUR.
9.2.2. La responsabilité du LOUEUR ne pourra valablement être engagée que sous la condition que la mention du dommage et des circonstances à l’origine de sa survenance soit portée sur le bon de travaux ou de location et fasse l’objet d’une confirmation par lettre recommandée avec accusé de réception dans un délai de 48 heures suivant le dommage.
9.2.3. De convention expresse, la responsabilité du LOUEUR, toutes causes confondues, est limitée aux dommages matériels et ce dans la limite du montant du contrat sans pouvoir excéder 150.000 € (Cent cinquante mille Euros). La réparation des dommages sera en conséquence limitée à ces montants, le LOCATAIRE et ses assureurs renonçant à tout recours contre le LOUEUR et ses assureurs au-delà de ces plafonds et conditions.
10.1. The LESSEE acknowledges having taken out, at its own expense, with one or more reputedly solvent insurance companies, insurance policies covering the civil liability it may incur due to its professional activities and the use of rented equipment, covering notably the handled goods, as well as the rented equipment at its new value.
10.2. Before any provision of equipment, the LESSEE undertakes to provide the LESSOR with proof of subscription to the policies referred to in Article 10.1 and payment of premiums.
11.1. The LESSOR reserves the right to terminate the rental contract without notice in the event of equipment misuse, non-compliance with safety regulations, or failure to meet the LESSEE's insurance obligations
11.2. In case of non-performance by the LESSEE of its obligations under the rental contract, especially non-payment of a rental installment, the LESSOR shall also have the option to terminate it after a period of eight calendar days following the sending of a registered letter with acknowledgment of receipt demanding remedy without effect.
11.3. The rental agreement shall be terminated automatically in the event of the LESSEE's cessation of activity for any reason whatsoever.
11.4. In the event of termination of the contract for any reason whatsoever, the LESSEE shall arrange for the immediate return of the equipment to the LESSOR in good maintenance condition, clean, with the same level of fuel as at the time of provision, along with its accessories and technical documentation, and shall pay seventy percent of the agreed rental price.
11.5. The LESSEE may not, under any circumstances, assign the benefits of the rental contract to a third party without the prior agreement of the LESSOR.
12.1. At the end of the agreed rental period, the LESSEE shall arrange for the return of the equipment to the LESSOR in the same condition as received at the time of provision, along with its accessories, technical documentation, and conformity certificate. In default thereof, costs for refurbishment and replacement of technical documentation shall be charged to the LESSEE upon return.
12.2. Any delay in the return shall result in the payment of a penalty at least equal to the previously fixed rent or as may be determined in the specific rental conditions.
13.1. Any rental contract is subject to French law.
13.2. In the event of a dispute or disagreement regarding these general conditions or the rental contract, and in the absence of an amicable settlement to which the parties will endeavor to reach beforehand, the Marseille jurisdiction shall have exclusive competence, even in the case of third-party proceedings or multiple defendants.
Mediaco, number 1 in France and number 3 in Europe in the field of lifting and material handling. A large network of 95 local agencies and its teams of 2800 employees.
Espace Jean-Jacques VERNAZZA
17 Avenue André ROUSSIN
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